Benefit of facebook live video

By Tusiime Edward
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Benefit of facebook live video is; it has a higher organic reach so the need to be incorporated into your Social Media Management strategy. Image by Brett Jordan

Benefit of facebook live video is that a video has a higher organic reach than a photo. So, the need to be incorporated into your Social Media Management strategy.

According to the 2020 research by Hubspot, 45% of people watch Facebook or YouTube videos for an hour or more each week. That is; over half a billion people watch videos on Facebook every day.

 Video has been a central component of the growth of these platforms. Content marketing and social media management strategies have replaced traditional advertising and the advent of online video has changed the way people consume information.

Facebook live is a live video streaming feature on facebook  that allows you to broadcast a live video out to your audience through your company page or personal profile.

Facebook live was released in April of 2016, and while many brands are still getting their heads around it, the ones who are using it seem to be reaping the benefits.

Once a Facebook Live video is created it will reside on your page or profile for viewers who missed the live event to view.

Videos are eligible to show up in an individual’s news feed during the live event, as well as after the event has ended. Yet, the chances of seeing a video while it is live are now higher since Facebook has updated their ranking algorithm to show more live videos that are streaming in real time.

Businesses using Facebook live on their pages have the ability to customize and control their audience once it has ended. Page followers and visitors may get a notification when a page or individual is going live.

Whether you are trying to raise brand awareness, get more leads in the door, or increase interactions with your current customers, Facebook live is a tool you should be using.

Benefit of facebook live video to brands;

1.      Share brand Updates

Keeping your audience informed on brand trends  without being overly focusing on sales. The benefit of facebook live video is that, it is a much more natural way to build trusted followers on Facebook.

People will start turning to you as their go to source to stay informed on industry news, and you will build a loyal and engaged following. For example, since the lockdown in Uganda due to coronavirus BBS Television started to broadcast their programs on facebook live in order to keep their followers engaged

2. Host a live event

Benefit of facebook live video is to broadcast events and connect with your customers or leads who were not able to attend. Maybe you have a guest speaker come into your office or your MD is speaking at a local event. As long as you have a strong internet connection and the permissions to stream the event live, you should absolutely do it.

3. Human connection

Benefit of facebook live video is to connect with your followers and potential customers. It is essentially like meeting your customers in person, since the event is happening “face to face” and in real time. Facebook live gives you a chance to show that there are real, caring humans behind your business, which in turn builds trust and leads to return on investment.

4. Answer questions in real time.

Benefit of facebook live video is that it allows you to answer your followers’ questions in real-time. This gives you an opportunity to engage with viewers when they are most interested.

Ensure to be consistent with the time and day of week you go live, feature hosts that are not afraid to show off their personalities, and ensure you have someone at the ready to monitor questions so you can answer them either in real-time in the comments or in the actual broadcast itself.

5. Show off company culture.

Benefit of facebook live video is that it is the ideal opportunity to show off the unique personalities and values behind your company, whether it be strolling around the office and showing off your space, interviewing employees, or sharing a sneak peek into a company outing or event.

Sharing your culture with your audience has so many long term benefits like recruiting new employees, or getting new followers interested in your brand.