Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing campaign is a series of emails a business uses to communicate with current and potentials customers. They are used to persuade customers to engage with the company.

There are approximately 4.04 billion email users in 2020. For comparison, there were 3.9 billion users in 2019. There are a lot of alternative means of communication today, but email is still the most popular. That means there is a lot of competition for your audience’s attention.

Those email numbers keep going up, too. That’s why it’s essential to adapt email marketing campaign, so you can reach your target audience and keep their interest.

Elements of email marketing campaign

  1. Call to Action

The best email marketing campaign requires  call-to-action (CTA). This is the most important part of your email. This is the reason behind your email; it’s what you want your customer to do once they open it up in their inbox.

Whether it’s a button to complete their purchase, follow you on social media, or head back to your website to continue exploring, your CTA should grab their attention. There are a lot of ways to make your CTA stand out from the rest of the email that is; use colour and font size.

You will also want to keep the placement in mind, putting at least one CTA above the fold. You want your customers to see it as soon as possible so they know what action they should take within your email.

Don’t forget about the copy that you write to accompany it. The words you choose can make or break a CTA. The words must match your brand voice.

2.      Subject Line

Subject lines are only a few characters, even less text than a Tweet, but they have the power to make or break your email marketing campaign. So how does something that small have so much power? Because it is the first thing your subscriber is going to see in their inbox, before they even open your email.

This is your chance to stand out in the inbox. Your subject line should be related to what your email is about, catchy and something your recipient can’t miss, but also true to your brand image.

3.      Responsive Design

With 59% of emails now being opened on mobile, you need to pay attention to responsive design. What this means is making sure that your email looks just as good on your customer’s mobile device as it does on their laptop.

While designing your email, keep in mind that content is key. This means that adding interactive and eye catching features like text, colour and images will help you build a memorable email, avoid overdoing though.

4.      Content

Your customers signed up to receive your email marketing campaign for a reason, and this is your time to deliver on it. The content of your email should be relevant, and there should be plenty of value in them as well.

Sending offers like promo codes, exclusive content or suggestions for your subscribers are all great way to add value to your emails. Be careful not to make it too cluttered, though. Your message should remain short and your customer should be able to get the big picture right after they open your email.


5.      Timeliness

Picking the right time to send your email is a hard decision to make. Tuesdays and Thursdays are generally the best days to send out your campaigns, but choosing a day and time could depend on your brand and what industry you are in.

Regardless of what your answer to that is, in order to land in the inbox at the time that’s going to get you the most exposure possible. Picking a date and time, and then being consistent with it, is just as important at the content itself. content is what your subscribers signed up for in the first place, make sure you deliver on those expectations.