How to stay consistent at anything in life

By Nabitali Victoria Bbosa

Staying consistent at anything in life means  to be stable or regular at anything you do in life. Someone who is consistent often behaves in the same way, has the same attitudes towards people or things, achieves the same level of success in something.

Working consistently towards a goal will have you not only achieve it in time, but will also reveal greatness in the process.Dwayne Johnson Also known as “The Rock.” The wrestler-turned-actor knows that waiting for inspiration is not an option he says;

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.”

Every person has the potential to be so much more than we are, and throughout our lives, we stumble upon so many amazing ideas and take great initiatives for our growth and well-being, and we also go to great lengths to get started and get things going.

But after the initial hype settles down, we often find it difficult to be consistent and stay in the flow. Eventually, we end up quitting.

We often have so many positive intentions and thoughts, and we often know what we are supposed do to increase the quality of our lives. If only we could consistently follow some of our life’s callings, our lives might transform beyond our imagination.

How do you stay consistent at anything in life, BY Nabitali Victoria Bbosa

Staying consistent at anything in life means to set realistic goals

The most important thing before committing to anything is to ask yourself if you really want to do it. Often people commit to things in the heat of the moment, and their decision to commit is based on the face value of things.

They don’t take time to think it through and that is why they don’t realize what it really takes to commit to achieving the results. Always ask yourself this question;

Are you willing to go through the learning curve and develop all the necessary skills that you might need along the way?

Set  Realistic Goals

Many people, after seeing other people’s overnight success stories, expect results too early. They overestimate what they can achieve in 6-12 months.

Things take time to develop. The success stories we hear of people who blew-up overnight are exceptional cases, not a norm.

Aim the highest, but set realistic goals and expectations.

Shoot for the stars, but expect to work hard for several years to build a rocket. Sow a seed today, but expect a fully developed tall, luscious tree in the next 10 years.

Focus on one main thing at a time.

Pick one thing and stick to it until it sticks to you. If it’s a good habit you want to develop, stick to developing One habit, don’t try to make more habits until the first one has become a part of you. 

If it’s a skill you’re working on, focus on that one skill and master it. 

If it’s a start-up business, don’t chase other ideas until you’ve made enough effort and progress on the first one. Once it’s set and working like a well-oiled machine, then you can move on to other ideas if you want. In short, don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Have a strong why.

Note that successful people have a strong reason they are doing things beyond just making more money. It pushes them to persevere when everyone else gives up.

Two strong Why’s are:

    •       Deep passion

    •       A life-long dream you have always wanted.

Steve Harvey went from a homeless college drop-out to a multi-millionaire comedian. Then, he found out he owed several million in taxes his accountant didn’t pay. He got through that.

In his book Act Like A Success, Think Like A Success, he mentions how your dream must be bigger than your fear.To overcome your fear and anxiety, your dream has to be bigger.

Forgive Yourself For Not Being Consistent

We are humans, we have our ups and downs. Nothing is 100% perfect. There will be times when you will lapse. Everyone does.

If you think that being consistent means to never falter ever again then you need to reshape your perception about consistency.

It’s good to be ambitious but going too hard on yourself will only make you feel disappointed in yourself and then you might give up. That is, in fact, counter-productive.If you decided to go for a run daily for the next 30 days and you miss out on 6-7 days, that is okay. That does not mean that you’re inconsistent.

Make It Fun

Find a topic that you love. That you can’t help but talk about. It will make things ten times easier.

If it’s something you have to do that you don’t enjoy, try to make it fun somehow. There’s a concept called gamification, which means making a boring task into a fun game so you can get through it easier.

An example would be seeing how many emails you can get through in 20 minutes and trying to keep beating your high score. Or turning a tedious task into something that is in sync with music you listen to.

Hold yourself accountable.

To be consistent you have to make sure that you recognize when you don’t reach the standards and goals that you’ve set. In these moments, consider if your goals are realistic or ask yourself what you can do to improve.

On your schedule or calendar, check off tasks that you have completed.

This will give you a senseof satisfaction. It will also help you realize what you can realistically accomplish in 1 day.

Ask a friend, family member, mentor, or coworker to be your accountability partner. Have them check in once a week to see what your progress is like. If they see you not behaving consistently, give them permission to call you out.

Don’t beat yourself up when you don’t hit the mark. What matters is that you keep working towards your goals and towards consistency.