Team building

Team building activities also work to improve workplace projects that involve teamwork because it helps the teams understand each other better. 

Teams must work together not only to find clues but also to figure out how they fit together across different puzzles. Just like in a work setting, communication is also a terrific time-saver in an escape room, as players need to avoid wasting time by redoing puzzles or retrying strategies that have already not worked for other team members.

Ultimately, doing an escape room is a great way to find out how well (or poorly) your team communicates under pressure, and it also gives you an opportunity to develop those skills. Overall, team building in the workplace enables better communication, better relationships and ultimately increases productivity.

In a world where attention is focused on making the client happy, businesses often forget about their most valued asset employees. Team building and specially planned activities not only boost morale of employees, but it can also increase the success of your business.

Importance of Team Building; by Tusiime Edward

1.  Develops problem-solving skills

In any organisation or business, a crisis can happen at any time. Team building activities that require coworkers to work together to solve problems can improve the ability to think rationally and strategically. Teams that are able to determine when a problem arises and know what they can do about it, can then effectively take charge when a real crisis occurs.

2.  Breaks the barrier

Team building increases the trust factor with your employees. Often in corporate settings there is a gap between the leadership team and employees because the employees sense too large of a gap between the two. Team building exercises give leadership the opportunity to be seen as a colleague rather than a boss, which can do wonders for employee morale.

3. Facilitates better communication

 Activities that create discussion enable open communication among employees, and between employees and management. This can improve office relationships and in turn, the quality of work done.

4. Motivates employees

 Team leadership and team building go hand in hand. The more comfortable your employees are to express their ideas and opinions, the more confident they will become. This will motivate them to take on new challenges.

5. Promotes creativity

Taking a team outside of an office setting and exposing them to new experiences will force them to think outside of their normal routine. Working together with other team members can ignite creativity and fresh ideas, which are great qualities to bring back to the office.

Team building is a perfect opportunity for managers to show their human side and get to know their team better – all while engaging in fun, rewarding activities. The more time managers spend with employees, the more approachable they will become, and the easier it will be for them to gain their team’s trust and respect.

Team building is also a chance to discover hidden potential among individuals. Whether an employee proves themselves to be a great problem-solver or even leader, managers can return to the office and start planning how to utilise such skills in the workplace.

Collaboration is an important component of today’s teams, but it’s not quite enough to just encourage it. Team-building activities are a great way to motivate employees, strengthen team communication, and promote creativity.